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The Future of Criminal Law in Austria

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Austria’s Current Criminal Law System

Austria’s criminal law system is based on the Civil Law System, rooted in the Austrian Criminal Code (StGB). The StGB is subdivided into General and Special Part, determining the act of wrongdoing and the penalty for the committed act, respectively. The justice system is overseen by the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Austria’s Criminal Court is the highest court in the land and covers cases involving serious criminal offenses. Lesser offenses are handled by the Regional Criminal Courts.

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The Future of Criminal Law in Austria

Despite being internationally recognized for its low crime rate and comparatively fair justice system, Austria is not immune to future challenges in criminal law. There are some potential areas of concern.

White-Collar Crime

White-collar crime is an evolving issue that requires reforms in the justice system. It’s a challenge for the Austrian Legal system to prosecute white-collar criminals as they use financial manipulation tactics to deceive investors or engage in accounting malpractices. Mergers and acquisitions are driving many financial crimes that are hard to detect, making it even more necessary to protect investors in the future.

Drug Policy Reform

Drug laws in Austria are comparatively less strict than the United States, but there is a need to reconsider the official stance on drug offenses. Austria has taken several steps to decriminalize drug use and focused primarily on rehabilitation rather than punishment. However, there is still a need to reduce drug crime; developing and implementing effective rehabilitation programs for convicted drug offenders could improve the current situation.

The Administrative Investigation Office

The current administrative system has limits on the prosecution of public officials. As a result, the Administrative Investigation Office (IbW) will be launched in 2023. The role of the IbW is to streamline law and order investigations and reduce the possibility of administrative corruption or other criminal activities at workplaces. With the launch of the IbW, Austria will likely be able to monitor white-collar crime more effectively and enhance its legal system’s effectiveness.

Online Crime

As technology and digitalization continue to evolve, cybercrime is becoming a growing issue worldwide. Austria is not an exception – it has seen an uptick in the number of online offenses. To combat online crime, Austria has established the National Agency for Cybersecurity (NUC) as an authority in detecting cybercrime cases. Under the newly established Structural Reform of the Austrian intelligence branch, the NUC will acquire more authorization to investigate cybercrimes and streamline government intelligence departments. Learn more about the subject covered in this article by visiting the recommended external website. There, you’ll find additional details and a different approach to the topic. Find more information in this helpful article!


Austria’s current justice system ranked 12th in the world according to the International Rule of Law Index for 2020. However, that does not mean the present system is perfect, and several areas require reassessment to ensure a fair and effective legal system for years to come. By staying vigilant against emerging threats and implementing reforms, Austria can maintain, if not improve, its position as a fair and just legal system worldwide.

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